Thai Times

New Generations Exchange is Rotary International's ( newest exchange program for young professionals and/or students. I am the first NGE delegate sponsored for a 4 week exchange by the Rotary Club of Reno in District 5190 to Thailand District 3340.

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So much to write in such little time...

Wednesday, June 14, 2006

4:08 am (less than six hours before blast off)

As you can see, I'm packing. I slept two hours before finishing some paperwork for work and delving into this project. I should be done soon. I doubt I will sleep, however, as I still need to take a shower, eat some breakfast, stop by work, bring my car to a storage facility, call the bank, mail some stuff to my parents, etc. Besides, I'll have plenty of time to sleep when I'm on the plane.


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