In the Thai language, na-an jai is a noun that means "bleeding heart"- it is a type of person that all Thais can only hope to be. Being a na-an jai is almost like reaching Nirvana for the Thai Buddhist who derives their sense of accomplishment and self-worth by how much they can give of themselves and help others. Calling a Thai person na-an jai is the ultimate compliment.
In English, "bleeding heart" is a noun generally used as a slanderous weapon for one who is "excessively sympathetic" to the needs of others. It is not by any means a form of flattery nor is it generally a laudation.
Quite by irony does the form and function of Thailand fit the bleeding heart. Yes, they catered to my every need (and even needs that I didn't really have) but it was all done with the best intentions. From my American perspective it sometimes seemed overwhelming and perhaps even overbearing, but from the Thai perspective it was their duty and honor to help and please me. Had they not gone to every length possible, they would have thought themselves rude and unkind.
What a difference a culture makes.
Labels: Na-an Jai (or Bleeding Heart)
found out about your blog in a Rotary International Magazine. It's good to know that you had a good time with the program. I hope you'd keep it up.
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