Thai Times

New Generations Exchange is Rotary International's ( newest exchange program for young professionals and/or students. I am the first NGE delegate sponsored for a 4 week exchange by the Rotary Club of Reno in District 5190 to Thailand District 3340.

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Location: Here, Now, United States

So much to write in such little time...

Sunday, June 25, 2006

Hair today, gone tomorrow!

It's a good thing that hair grows back because "Oh my goodness!" Truthfully, I'm not to fond of the cut but I'm getting used to it...and it will grow back. Maybe in about two months it will actually look like the hair cut in the picture that I showed the girl.

This hair will be sent to "Locks of Love" in order to be made into a wig for a child with cancer.

Getting ready to go out to a club in Bangkok with my host sister "Tik".


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