Thai Times

New Generations Exchange is Rotary International's ( newest exchange program for young professionals and/or students. I am the first NGE delegate sponsored for a 4 week exchange by the Rotary Club of Reno in District 5190 to Thailand District 3340.

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So much to write in such little time...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

The Rotary meeting was fun. We exchanged flags and I met two RYE (Rotary Youth Exchange) student who are just finishing up their year in Thailand. We all sat at a U-shaped table and everyone had microphones that they turned on when it came time to speak. Those who weren't speaking into the microphone were carrying on their own conversations, whether it be with the person next to them, across the table, or on their cell phone- obviously very informal, as Thai gatherings seem to be.

Well, I'm off to a temple in the forest and will write again ASAP...


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